What is the underworld?

For the prehispanic culture, the beyond was a physical space beneath the surface that can access by cenotes and where the souls arrived to continue their journey to the next vital cycle.

Xibalbá Sello

Cenotes, the key to Xibalbá

These sinkholes amid the jungle are interconnected entrances that extend by the Yucatan Peninsula, part of the area where ancient civilizations set.

Ceiba, the sacred tree

A tree with a tall, strong trunk that is common in Yucatan connects with the three levels of the universe. Its leaves touch the skies, the body connects to the earth, and its roots get into the ground until touching the water.

The Popol Vuh

The sacred book that encloses mystical stories of the mythology, including a Xibalbá description and the gods that inhabit there.

Xibalbá gods

Xibalbá was also a pilgrimage place. Besides the gods that lived here such as Hun-Camé and Vucub-Camé, the divine twins, Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué, passed by its levels.

A transition place

The unknown can provoke caution and arouse wonder. But, in the prehispanic civilization, death was only the next step after life on Earth. The soul must continue its journey, and Xibalbá was the place where it happened.

Xibalbá Sello